Ambient Drone and waving meditative
relaxation of the sound-art warmth vegetating the grown-up plantations of
tuning tones blossoms over the next last weeks of the counting down before November
touches the beginning of December as seven songs recording formula on this
released album of Blank Embrace’s Dojd’rain seems to showing us the dark blue
horizon sky brings the last radish yellowing pastures of colors from the last
month’s harmony. Whether it’s about the surrounding of Yassey, Russia or
anywhere else provides; from Alee Kish, Frozo to Kaia and Cigyett or
Rhye must be returned with the beaming glow phase of ray-lights as if the rainy
season already coming back or the hallucinating heat of global warming sending
this imaginative danger immediate too sure towards the inhabitants territories.
An actual weather changer music maker might be a girl …
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