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Always Felt So Good (Independent 2015)

By the name of simple – Paco said that he’s from the NYC as producing smartly onto this quite extra-ordinary musical made like a home-depot products within the experimental or messing around within a devotional tradition or world tribal music on a tape which will be called Drink The Water; perhaps, sold-out would be a surprising scares that the independent recording release can reaching that kinds of status shortly might be a silly joke but not this one.
As The Cradle known to be the main character of making this strange music; the current music writings by himself also an engineer might hit up the analog natural junks on faded semi-live/acoustic formats and much thanks to girl vocals from Sophia, Jon to Eliot for their helping hands/talents as thus front cover painting looking artistic and odd made by Robin Sirc named “Traveler” fits perhaps, for the materials inside it such as Nothing Happened, Do You Need Drugs ?, Place Two, What’s Going On, This Reminds Me of a Song and Painting of Crowd of People – would showing an unpredictable fortunate prospect. 

Drink The Water:

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