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Molecular Vision (Independent 2014)

Includes the Garage-Rock Proto punkish and Rock N’ Roll line-up with composing Pooty on guitar and vocals, Paco on guitar/vocals, Lily on bass guitar and Hugo on the drums as being engineered by the group calling themselves Sweet Baby Jesus where Pooty playing the main figure on song-writings and artistic album arts making as reminding some about the other side of gin and juice rock-version covering on the same street or alleys where the big apple isn’t a quite soft place to visits.

Barely Rocking may becoming your passport on stepping in through those cobblestoned small roads on the outskirt or the road-sides while going to mid-town passing the sparkling points of Soho, Wall Street or glamorous shops across New York while the pumping wah-wah distorting music coming out from your old car stereo – Child In Time, Would It be Right?, Dub Fantasy to Easy Rock City delivers the best and the worst feelings you ever taste when going by taxi around the city of modern times Babel.

Barely Rocking:

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