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The Cookout (Independent 2017)

Cannot be trial just because he’s wearing Freedie Krueger’s iconic knives leather-glove and doing his “nut-up” thang like lyrics flowed, writing protests, spreading fear and riot to wake the dead – completely via the project of Crimeapple; a Beast Coast hip-Hop monster out of The Garden State as its Hardcore Rap/Hip-Hop pole shift really waving the alerts sign of dangerous and explicit just like your approval judging on having this dreamer's album called Metralleta.
From the beat-tapes to Hip-Hop beats and Loops mixed Rap/Rn’B rhyming and slower but biting hard on those whom being the guilty ones told inside the story that coming lawless, ordering the kill like yeah – chill. Pick up your pieces over Alleluia and then, Pacers for about the redemptions see the forsaken and thus forgotten ones  along within this shitty seven tracks that failing not; as Thought You Should Know or Pop Shit may sounding courageous  and dirty but neat – shut up. And yet again, even you already selling many to millions and screwing chicks for now is just as easy as eating candies or going places on your private jet rocket - not even the fame, fortune and wealth can really buy a rapper happiness …


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