Let’s just describing and say
that for having guts of darkness one female should really standing taller
like purity Eve wearing leopard skin cloth while having intimate frenchy-kiss
with the snake and let the re-incarnated Lilith worn pink as the joker bat vice
in re-evoked over fresh martini on the rocks and the New Wave music sounds we
can calling it Venin Carmin, of course. Bass guitar player and singer sensual
girl led her own back-up band finding the Electronic meets Post-Punk,
Synth-Pop, Pop-Rock and New Wave beats completely for the millennium nuevo by
simplicity and lesser over-tuned music taste sang in performance in rocking
spirits of rocka rolla onto the releasing Glam is Gone as thoughts reveals free
according to Fade & Forget, Suckers (Are You), Pure & Alive, Drawing
Down The Moon way down through July Ain’t Summer or All You Got is The Sun –
felt quite as easily as smoking sexy on a restricted place not peace but
hedonist values compels within Pop-rocking and a little bit of sexual magic of
a woman virtue.
Glam is Gone:
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