For the fanatic
fans of old school methods in Industrial Music original as the brutal and the
chaos aspects suits the deranged beats and screaming vocals that being inspired
by the more extremities on Heavy Metal grudge mixed with the socio-communist
party interpretations or thus labor workers society pressures led the project
named Street Sects – plundering the stereo-phonics of he blending for Noise
Rock, Hardcore-Punk and Industrial Metal as the duet craze-heads from Austin,
Texas: Leo Ashline and Shaun Ringsmuth raising their love for more blackest Electronic
and Death Metal interference through the only album so far being recorded on
End Position.
Best raw and clever moves around the system failures or deafening
moments louder ablaze being splattering everywhere of direction from the
speakers of doomed music for the insane deranged community only via
Featherweight Hate, In Defense of Resentment, Copper in The Slots; And I Grew
Into Ribbons as well as If This is What Passes For Living related to the bad
dreamt for being killed between the grim-reaper and a stranger next door - like
a creation of a vortex sucking all meaningless means of the living and vomits
them onto another extreme fully threats dimension unknown.
End Position:
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