Parading themselves
within the collaborated noise and sounds through New Wave, Industrial and Goth
Rock music hailing on the opening track Invisible War by Circle Of Animals –
the Chicago based Techno-Rock project from Sanford Parker and Bruce Lamont and
the plenty rotating drummers changing places to fill the group’s skin-basher
position behind the kit. As for the releasing on the band’s serious debut album
entitled Destroy The Light; Circle of Animals might creating the similarity
provision products just like being under the heavy spells from Justin Broderick
or monotonous Rob Zombie screaming records.
The weird and complicated beats to
the front artworks symbols didn’t quite can giving more power to those in
temporary fights against all odds. No Faith, Seminal Animal to …And Together We
Are Forever means trouble to controlling the upset crowds after Poison The Lamb
Destroy The Light:
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