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Invasion Vacant (Lacerated Enemy 2018)

   Walk your frightened steps as one closing the existence to be easily erased by the force coming out from the closed door of heavenly hell awaits gate right before thus stairways being legally, permits to be entered by the sinful souls like you and thousand millions more.
As the Horror minds of the humans inside brought to an aggressive Death Metal power-attacks via these Fredrikstad, Ostfold (Norway) crew of Dominant consisting on Robin Larsen (guitars), Andre Bjerring (bass), Jimmy Javins (vocals) and Tapir (drums) escalating their progression on double pedals of drum-bashing onto thus heavier rhythmic and riffs destruction parable on disaster-tinged sounds to share among the listeners upon this E.P for The Summoning. 
Growling voice and grinding extremities may seriously, given you several injuries for standing too damn closed to the danger by far immediate exploded through Vultures Of The Void, Feast of Woe or Servants of Damnation. 

Savage beast unit it is !

The Summoning:

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