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Girl Boy (Independent 2017)

   Processing their own idiom minds commanding to do one thing in common – Working should be your kinds of album even when you didn’t really loved to works harder like the rest greedy people do daily.
   As the cutting fingers of a greenish mutation hands made out of sausage strange meats of alienated Surfing and Post-Punk independent hailed from Chicago and these four tracks recorded and manipulated by Doug Malone or Carl Saff and the rest of thus member of the group playing music and calling themselves – a four piece Ovef Ow: guitarist Nick Bernett, synth/vocalist Kyla Denham, drums/vocals by Sarah Braunstein and bass/vocals performed by Marites Velasquez re-discovering their Grungy-roots and Alternative Pop trust through the looney tuning tales of silly Psycho Crush or The Whistler that all came in under two minutes top to sang. 

Simple kinds of life sounds alike … 


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