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Palm Sunday Abilene (The End Records 2009)

   Frequent broken hopes and virtually, reforming of unhappy generation and skillful musician who loves rock and heavier sounds much for Cable (The Band) – Randy Larsen (vocals/guitars), Jeff Cazide (bass), Vic Szalaj (drums), Matt becker (guitar) or Bernie Romanowski (guitar/vocals) bring their ironical continuities over the slower but heavier Post Hard-Core and metallic Grunge-tinged muscle growls as The Failed Convict being released long after the reunites and the original line-up were trying to get their shit together again since the separated ways as the additional of Stoner Rock and Sludge Metal forcing onto their musical performance did accepted by the hunger fans pretty much well because this is the timing about right to protesting harder, bashing further and cracking some nuts for being guts or bust which captures within thus anthemic rebel tunes in which Gun Metal Grey, Gulf of Texaco, The Smashing Machine, Men on Mountains or Sleep Produces Monsters down to Running Out of Roads to Ride. As our era of mankind suddenly, would stop and decay like the dead corpse being decomposed forever by bacteria.

The Failed Convict:

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