As one US agent also found out about the crash-site landing as
well as the involving of Hogarth tracing them out to town but both Hogarth and
The Iron Giant already settling on the ideal place among Dean the beatnik artist’s
scrap metal sculptures and junkyard after witnessing sadly a hunters killing a
deer. Even one day Hogarth mistakenly activates the giant robot’s weaponry
system only by pointing a toy gun on it really concerning Dean while Agent Kent
finally, found out about the presence of The Iron Giant and General Shannon
Rogard’s military troops soon coming in to town to intercept the possibility of
the hostile alien robot while its acting towards weapon by activating its own
futuristic advance weapons system as only for self-defense didn’t quite knowing
well by the US armed force. Michael Kamen making his tremendous orchestral
tracks of instrumentals like usual – telling the story follows as the melodies
and tunes strengthen the meaningful science-fiction/comedy-drama with the
background due to ninety fifty seven or close by to the movie starring Eli
Marinethal or Vin Diesel and Harry Connick Jr. and Jennifer Aniston – continued
the wicked Kent convincing Rogard to start attacking the giant robot while the
open-firing tanks and rockets and rifles and bigger guns bombarding The Iron
Giant but that thing being protected by its own shield as it fought back and
make plenty destructions around the area but also saving kids from the burning
roof before crashing; almost vanishing the entire army troops and fleets before
reminding by Hogarth’s words about being who ones chose to be self and by
choosing superman – The Iron Giant flying up higher to intercepts the atomic
bomb from hitting the failed target which is Rockwell, Maine as both blown out
in such massive explosive.

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