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Don’t Eat The Candy (Paramount Music 2013)

   Duo witch exterminators of an actual siblings whom experiencing their dark-story during childhood taken as this German folklore tales of Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters starring Jeremy Renner and Gemma Arterton whom then figure out that their parents died miserably because of the fake news spreading by the evil grand witch Muriel (Famke Janssen) as their mother captured by the village folks and burn on the stake while their dad hanged to the tree by the same time since – the worst story for people of Augsburg didn’t stopping there as the cursing continues with the approaching of the next wiccan holiest celebration eve on the blood moon event most of the children went missing – kidnapped by the witches from the dark forest waiting to sacrifice them one by one to their ritual night ceremony so that the mayor hiring the infamous Hansel and Gretel to helping them but the sheriff and his deputies didn’t fully agree with that plan as they’re trying to give a hard time to the witch-killer siblings but failing big time to do it themselves.
Making friends with the local boy whom actually, a big fan of them Benjamin as well to the beautiful girl being accused for witch-crafting before Hansel saved her – Mina (which later on introducing herself as a friendly white witch) helping Hansel and Gretel stopping the terror made by the dark witches sisters and saving the children before the blood moon occurs. Music From The Motion Picture composing by Atli Orvarsson reacting much better collectively did pretty well in order to expressing the action and good fight sequences; the flash-back tales about how the siblings escapes from the gingerbread-house witch-crafting while they’re still young kids must be equally within the tracks of electronic-instrumental being orchestrated through Lost Children Crying Vol 2, Business is Good, Trolls Serve Witches, You Do The Bleeding to the reality facts that There Are Good Witches in The World as well as This Place Could Used a Bit of Color or The Fairy Tale, White Magic and Shoot Anything that Moves – all following the scenery various from the flawless fights to the beauty of Gretel and Mina or the funny moments when they’re trapping the silly witch with a pumpkin doll and recording sounds; the night flights for terror to the ritual battles against most of those sisterhood of types of witches on the Sabbath mountain-side. 
   Bleeding much but survived as they’re killing the evil ugly witches as promises; the final battle against Muriel reveals the truth about going back in time for the Hansel whose having sugary problems and Gretel as the last descendant of her mother - the great white witch beheading Muriel but lost Mina whom died on her wounded helping them as the mission accomplished and the witch hunting continues to Hansel and Gretel with their new companion: Benjamin and Edward the friendly troll to the foreign barren land and beyond …


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