Heavy Metal
band of America hailing themselves as The Rods from Cortland, New York as the
eighty-one era leaping years started the evolution over any kinds of extreme
metallic music sounds with Carl Canedy, David Feinstein, Garry Bardonaro or
Shmoulik Avigal as well as Craig Gruber and more ex-members of the band through
the sixth recording album on Let Them Eat Metal available on their catalogs
leading the surpassing of literary heavier Rock n’ Roll and Dio
high-vocalization among the standard songs written and mid-tempo beats of
terrible nuisance themes and titles with lyrics of seminal apocalyptic
measurements via White Lightning, Nuclear Skies, Rock Warriors, Got The Fire
Burnin’ onto She’s Such a Bitch and Bad Blood – reminding you about how the
evolving of the rock riding revolutions changes quite rapid within decades as
the more new stylish adding to the regular characteristic and various type of
the stronger metallic sounds library like The Rods did here !
Let Them Eat Metal:
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