Adolf Hitler
death is always be surrounded by its own controversies of conspiracy theory
which leads the group of people like producer/director Erik Eger and Magnus
Oliv to their special interests and researching for couple quite long times
collectively to decided on making the mockumentary examines the possibility for
the infamous Third Reich and Germanic Fuhrer for not commits suicide inside the
Berlin bunker at the end of World War II in 1945as centering the vision and
brave interviewing across confusion, complicated and immediate danger lurking
around their hard working or secretly planned movie making operation and
filming by historian Skule Antonsen (Sweden) with film director Idelfonso
Elizalde of Spain for their one hour and almost seventeen minutes length
duration on the unrated movie entitled – One Hundred Years Of Evil starring Jon
Reykdal, Jordi Almeida to Lucy Bermingham and Andrea Sooch within the
screenplay wrote by Olly Blackburn and Joacim Starander focusing on this
interesting character investigation of Adolf Munchenhauser as his individual
bears resembling strikes too many similarity to Adolf Hitler presence like the
dancing moves, the meeting talks as even though now his turning a bit a quiet
person since being out from ex-Nazi german detention camp in US but decided to
staying there since.
Winning good filming festival media interests like
Stockholm International to Fantasia International to Indiewire and Montreal
Gazette news as cinematographic awesome directing with a very attractive lining
story as the facts like same appearance old videos, the truth about Camp
Rebecca onto the relocation facility off The Great Basin Desert as eye-witnesses and evidence
gained by Skule and his filming research-team as well as background suspicious
thrilling music made by Joacim Starander bombarded the facts of the reality and
lies being corrupted and blur here within the red lines tentacles locating the
answers to be found and the history rewrites itself again for this movie to
Many unknown individuals later on showed-up to distracting or stymied
the authentication of this investigating efforts – probably, sending by either
the secret government cover-up black ops mission or something higher and
greater than the established power people themselves to stop the movie from
being released and spreading.
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