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Eli Emergency (Bella Union 2016)

   Harmony vocals of female twin sisters-alike but different in ordering sorrow ballads over these gracious women in Tasseomancy of Halifax, NS (Canada territory) with their wavy dark-browned hair and interesting complexion for musical performance to slowing down your heart-pulse phases as Romy Lightman with Sari Lightman born within their single unit turning two inside their mother’s womb; as the consistency handful of talents later continued in the beginning earlier in their grandma’s kitchen to the vibrant clarity of recording materials as smooth as the beaming William Burroughs’ planning lyrics and outlining some Buddhist philosophy within the shade of lamp of hope via Do Easy as their third recordings that brought Dance Can Dance & Neil Young, Claudine, Jimi Infiniti, Missoula or Wiolyn as 29 Palms psychic cigarette smokes teasing off David Lynch dreamy filming on some Pop/Ambient/Folk experiments song-writings.

If you feel like you needing some angels to guide you to a sophisticated wet dream with non-abusing event programs – Tasseomancy music will helps you to reach the pretty climax in mysterious beauty sides. 

Do Easy:

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