The revolving plot over
a stalking bad dreams killer (former child molester) that haunts and spreading
panic or fears among the teenagers as then torturing or slashed them to death as
the works of evil deeds featured story in A Nightmare On Elm Street with main
character a fifteen years old Tina Gray keep seeing her mom wearing nightgown
with four slashes wounds on her as a awakening nightmares as she tells her good
friends Nancy and boyfriends Glen and Rod as the sleep-over plan interrupted by
the unseen force slashing Tina to her death blaming Rod for that as Nancy’s
father Lieutenant Thompson mistakenly accusing Rod and arresting him – while at
school, Nancy slept over dreaming about a ragged man chasing her in a boiler
room but she fought back burning her arm as awaken back to the classroom with
the mark on hers as well as she almost drowning while sleeping in a bathtub at
home with Rod found dead looks like he’s hanging himself in a cell but that’s
not the real story as Nancy just found out about the real killer who murdered
Tina is actually, Freddy Krueger – from her drunken mother told the real story
about their small town secret that Fred Krueger being released free by the
court technicality but the neighborhood vigilante justice community of parents
came to his place finding evidence of terrifying facts about his victims remaining
inside the basement, burned him alive but leave his restless evil revenge on
them and their offspring with Nancy later put more booby traps around her house
and convincing Glen to help her for taking Freddy to the real world but as Glen
fell asleep – he’s being the next target for the killer’s revenge in a gruesome
bloodbath fountains all around his bedroom .
With Marge went to bed and Nancy
asking her dad (whom investigating Glen’s murder case across the street) a
favor to come burst in after twenty minutes successfully, dragging Freddy as
she lights him on fire, locked him on basement but the police saw how Freddy
smother Nancy’s Mom Marge in bed to still-burning and vanished.

PS. Meet the sophomore scary soundtrack fro the
movie as well composed by Charles Bernstein within This is God, School
Horror/Stay Awake, Funeral, Sleep Clinic, Bridge Talk, Lurking onto Telephone
Terror as well as I’m Your Boyfriend Now Nancy compositions – seems to releasing
some of our demonic imagination based on many nightmares that haunts several of
you insomniac minds out.
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