Logger community in Snowflake, Arizona went shocking after the incredible but seems to be suspiciously impossible about the missing tales of Walton been reportedly abducts by the alien craft or UFO somewhere around the middle of the forest where they used to work at the site lumbering and cleaning up the surroundings. On their way back home driving truck; Mike, Allan, David, Greg and Bobby with Walton passing White Mountains when seeing red glowing lights from the back of the hill where the workers found out the unidentified flying object hovering not far from their spot with curiosity came Walton wandering to check the thing up-close as his friends witnessing a tracking beam locked his body and zap him out vanish as the rest driving like a crazy sons of bitches away in fear.
The unseen force, the sheriff Blake investigation, loggers met skepticism and the ideas of murder acts plan swirling into the air around the community as the investigations for the missing as well the case leads to the tabloid newspaper cover-stories with many journalists came to the small town and the accused suspects and the searching teams assembly finds nothing still; the sheriff decided to call more back-up including a lie detector tests upon Roger and the rest of his crew.

Mark Isham leads the background soundtrack instrumental of hideous mixed with happy hour compositions as daily or shocking possible onto A Man On Display, Evil Spirits From The Sky, Travis Walton or They Didn’t Like Me – A Case Unsolved brings the conclusion over the incident as expressed by Lieutenant Watters as a doubt merely hoax but the polygraph examinations results showing the rest of the workers team are telling the truth and innocence.
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