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Silicon Valley Cadaver (Vic Records 2011)

   The Beginning of Their End in three minutes more followed by The Cleaner and Mr. Filth doing something terrible or A Morbid Journey as well as Sick Minds Think Alike, Going To LA or Slaughterhouse On Wheels not trying to be ridiculed the non-affected within science or reality but as The Van Murders occurs and many victims fell quietly and terrifies the society when Ribspreader which is a combination boundaries for Death Metal crew out of Gamleby, Sweden and Florida unites for more death. Gore and anti-christianity on this fourth's serial killing releasing as strange creepy group of people coming out and wandering in drive – snatching or mutilates unlucky persons and left them a dying soul or corpses near the streets or somewhere remote as the crushing Death Metal emerging and never seems to be dive deeper again by wait. Wait for you to get unnoticed or your precious sisters or girlfriend or mommy as the killing may continues from months to months with nothing to do about but paranoid scarred. 

The Van Murders:

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