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The Race Begin (MySonicTemple 2007)

   Progressive Rock band of US featuring brilliant names of members like Ryan Downe, Matt Swindells and Johannes Luley calling themselves as Moth Vallum – the energetic keyboards-tinged driven comparison of sound-making and non-manufactured sounds by trying not to following th trends which blossoming themselves to be doing the instrument music perfromance led by Tom Lynham on keyboards/percussion as well as the three commanded figures here from bassist and lead vocals Ryan, guitarist Johannes and Mr. Swindells behind the sets also doing lead vocals recroding their compositions of self-releasing record adventuring the fanatic Prog-Rock listening ears forward these high quality format of written tunes like Whalehead or Salvo or Walk It Off as you like to choose which one to listen first; don’t be distracted by the lady in red and dark glasses but focusing yourself to the steps of a walk spacing via the seven minutes and twelve seconds or thirteen minutes and thirty-four seconds just before reprise or the next days sunrise.

Moth Vallum:

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