Knows what’s happening to the fucking world surroundings your orbit by ten Power-Violence Hardcore Punk experimental form a disdainful lucid semi-individuals, extensive damage accusers, misanthropy hermetic catharsis fusion of Old-School Thrash and spasmodic Punk-Jazz crushing fast horror terms via the burst on Progressive sounds, raw shouting and complicated rhythmic as a trio naming themselves Terrorist releasing the Death Culture Economy quickly but never quietly, buried every single victims of fate, raped, massacre and frontal issues connected to the short-duration and repressive themes for “us versus them” paradox given meaningful through this anti commercial recording divided onto several tracks such as Neurological Defoliant, Consult Your Health Care Professional, Hysterical Paroxysm and The Business as the beginning of the formulated War hero turning things chaotically indifferent as the ending of Closing Sequence arrived where class war, religious war, war on terror or Funeral Parade might erupting more and more violence you’ve ever witnessing since the last decades dawn of advance technology for humanity changed its purpose on serving the powerful society rather than justice free for all like a broken vows; sooner and later !
Death Culture Economy:
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