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Enochian Translation (Bandcamp 2015)

   Joshua Pettinicchio did a lesser-known job with the releasing on We Are Everything But We Have Nothing as the slower creeping sounds made by the consistency around Ambient/Drone/Noise rituals and experimental spoken words as this Campi Bizensio, Italy man collectively being influenced completely by the likes of Ennio Morricone or softer-Electro of Goblin and many more older composers of Italo-Horror music like the cells of contra-peace brought to the womb of planet earth to be spawned and spreading fear among men of believers that Gregorian-basic and non popular sampling works did eventually, rise up your real phobic of many things in you by maybe four minutes and twenty-seconds over the opening song Para Bellum onto A Brother and A Bae which gives the modern term a bad backgroundfor nine minutes and seven minutes more through Echo/Crows.

Close your eyes and feel the chaos of soft terror made into music rather than killer bombs in effects. 

We Are Everything But We Have Nothing:

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