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Fight For The Love (Self-Released 2016)

So, you like to banging your freaking stupid head to the wall listening to Heavy Metal like Judas Priest or doing the basement sex ritual and sacrificing the neighbor virgin girl to call satan or just cranking the fast Thrash Metal music record on your goddamn stereo like the moment you found out about Timo Takala (guitars/vocals), Sebastian Bergman (bass) and Juha Forsstrom (drums) as Steel Machine clashes their musical instruments over thus extremity metallic garage blistering solos and drilling power-up personal as the strange stormy satanic supernatural hits the ground within Burning Valves. If you goddamn like the raging force of nature via how Hard Rock/Thrash Metal and Rock N’ Roll mixed influenced by Motorhead, Tank or Carnivore and building more intense of crazy tracks for drink and get beaten up while fighting back the danger immediately, listening to melodious sharpen things brought by Invaders Breaking Loose, All Heads Turning onto S.H.M.S.A straight to the Intro (Molten Chains) as a Helsinki’s beginning systematically – ready to destroying anything blocking its way to be ultimately called the real rocking hard music blows yer face off !

Burning Valves:

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