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Funny Daughter Fish (Bandcamp 2014)

   New Jersey’s Lo-Fi bedroom Alternative Indie Pop thing just like the soft curses of your late nineties Pop-tinged tales of thoughts hanging in unbalance in a very nice way seriously, the best a new just like hallucinogenic lights as you can listening how the organist and the puffing Velcro type on good job intimidating the prism queen at the scenes spawning satire but still normally, reasonable to have on your stereo system and the experimenting Pop could be a bit bigger than the one hit wonders for The Scary Jokes telling the kids whom does having the same freaking problems in Bad At Math just like the smiling demonic hated too and thus childish tricks over songs like I’m Too Shy, Hello World, Poison Ivy Grows onto Hold Yourself Tight and the greater opener for I Wanna be The Moon served more attraction from the audiences whom searching for a non-conventional music works project by the nearly shadowy of mischievous demon kid ruling the empty classroom – more stupid than The Ren and Stimpy Show.

Bad At Math:

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