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Seven Widows Weep (Nuclear Blast 2013)

   Ducere Me in Lucem whispering the wanted wish to a leading light as well as Ditt Endelikt tells about the end of someone presence forever just as romantic as the forbidden danger reveals from the tearing mermaid creature sitting still on the rocks as the Stavanger – Norway Gothic Metal Symphonic group of semi-legendary female led-singer for Sirenia presented by Ailyn or Pilar Gimenez Garcia on vocals with the other musical performance did by the multi-instrumental hard-working idealistic metal-head in Morten Veland figure playing the guitars, piano, keyboards, programming, theremin, mandolin to ukulele and harmonica or melodium flute over the releasing album in orchestration better mysterious sounds in Perils of The Deep by the order basic background taken through some of thus secrets of the ocean fulfills on the metallic, symphonic and tremendously, romantic sensual themes bitter or mystical brought by the songs like My Destiny Coming to Pass, Cold Caress, Stille Kom Doden and A Blizzard is Storming.

One needs to think twice before trying to swim ashore the dark island to captures a mermaid because behind the beauty lies sharpen teeth and devouring lust on vulnerable humanity.

Perils Of The Deep Blue:

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