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Subatomic Wormhole (Self-Released 2017)

   Southern equator mastery riff-age unit which their music written all by themselves and the artworks describing how thus sand-dunes hiding the excitement of mysterious secrets from the outer space above found by the little kids explorers like this Gods & Punks' mighty crew of Alexandre (vocals), Pedro (lead guitars), Danilo (bass) and Psy (rhythm guitars) to Arthur (drums) forming Gods & Punks of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil’s releasing Into The Dunes of Doom civilizing the remote discourage able to hits the vanity of psychedelic and Rock N’ Roll grudge as well as fantasy-based cruel of the eclipse paths and hours mystically, unites in such a darken trips and the torch of knowledge reveals thus seven tracks recording songs as Civilization, Dunes of Doom, Signs of Life, Mushroom Clouds or The Encounter that ranging the duration from fourteenth minutes and one second with Hard Rock and Space Rock and Stoner sessions deprived the doppelganger of 70’s spirits to be immune as thus magic background and Classic Prog-Rock themes explodes like fireworks with the smoky haze of poison clears out the views.

Into The Dunes of Doom:

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