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Bay Serial Holocaust (Witches Brew 2017)

   Ripping someone’s head-off and keeping the dead bodies under the sewer hiding place could successfully, turning you into kinds of maniac mutant monster as you already contaminated from your secret lab’s working place as the slicing fast of Thrash Metal techniques and sounds leading within thus shredding solos and high-pitched tones like how the extra violence from these new generation from Beijing underground scene with Jiashu Nighthunter on guitar/vocals, Fuwen Young on guitars, Zhang Baixing on bass guitar and Zhang Yichi (Dying Soul) on drums infected and interprets their fanatic liking over the influential background on too much listening over Vio-lence, Megadeth, Anthrax and Judas Priest while writing down some of the Chinese finest thrashy extreme lyrics for the likes and hatred on linux, coca cola, dirty bitches and dumpling tofu as becoming one of the front zone buffer for introducing the Thrash Metal makers troops out of their country to the world in mayhem.
The debut recording sounds of Damaged System would do terribly excellent by performance and far away from going commercial at all. 

Tumourboy showing them as tough as bastards to signing the death contract and die later under the unholy name of their Cross-over beliefs in Heavy Metal extreme. 

   Go fucking your sound-system through most of their freaking faster songs like Sacrifice of Technology, UxFxAx, breathless, Noise Beer Love, and Chernobyl Devastation for slamming examples and head-banging beyond recognition with these crackling bones music not kung-fu but killing acts that you can hail for respect ! 

Damaged System:

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