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Black Habit (Independent 2018)

Alex Maas, JM Lapham, Rishi Dhir and Tom Cowan greetings the mankind experiences to the lasted living here on the fourth rocks of the sun by using their smart and semi-complicated sounds through Krautrock and Progressive Psychedelic alternated into the quartet of Mien (group) as the explorations over thus traditional sitar-tinged and standard Electro-beats covering the mini recording here on Earth Moon as directing the views for the audience seeking the live sightseeing on the planet from different direction and think again.

The greenish-blue shapes of beams commonly fits within the opening duration on five minutes and thirty-six seconds while the second coming tracks closing the communication frequency after the six minutes and fifty-seven seconds collaborating for musical live performance and technology advance making mechanical sounds and noises by notes, samplings and imagination over the ($hit & $hine Remix). 

Earth Moon:

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