Everything about Painted Doll group wouldn’t do you any good but listening
first to the how their music plays and then recognizing on around the duet
team-mates of Dave Hill (vocals, guitars, bass, keyboards) and Chris Reifert
(drums, guitars, bass) for improving the way the sounds develops surrounding
thus Power-Pop, Psychedelic Rock and Stoner Punk forces in a typical Bluesy
Rock and popular tuning distortions as colorful figures of animals and the old
generation for flower power intentions to the Classic Rock arena missing links
are here to entertains as the self-titled album of Painted Doll giving the ears
more variant onto Carousel, Dressing Room, Eclipse, She Talks to Mirrors and
Stairwell and Find Your Mind must be a very interesting fragrant of nice smelly
basic Rock n’ Roll tuning as the feet of casting heaven comes down to blending
music and colors onto one as Together Alone no more.
Painted Doll:
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