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Killa P*$$y (Aknu Media 2010)

   Nobody really cares about Horrorcore rappin’ kinds of stuff not even thus fanatic fans of thriller movies and suspense until the late eighty-nine gone turning to the face of the early nineties and still only a few did care a bit about Esham Attica Smith names as if they didn’t realizing on how the referring to real name or artists stage recognitions knowing this Detroit, America rapper doing his scary music samplings and uneasy non-predictable closer to satanic-cult Gangsta shit Rap and Hip-Hop collective beats crossing it with Alternative Metal rocking modes and stands his affirmative new identity as East Side Hoes And Money or Esham. 
   Taking this Suspended Animation recording catalogs out from his unholy alliance for Thug-Rap, Horror-Core to Gangsta hip-Hop sounded confusing, complicated and scary as fuck to your presence of beat-loving ears as blacks or whites or anything you truly are; almost twenty-nine tracks forming a dark lines supporting for violence, sexual harassment, torturing, death and despair to destruction of the minds and the soul within the rhythmic flawless non-religious thoughts on misfortunes above average and more slaying lyrics flown from the mouth of a painful black mad man on the loose via Ronald McDonald, Subatomic featuring King Solomon, SSMD, Designer Drugs to Horrible and Poultry onto Triggernometry as well as Sinsory Deprivation and Private Hotel Party or even Police featuring Daniel Jordan leads the entire terror builds in your closet and closed doors. 

This artists is not your kinds of daily false prophet of raging doom raps ! 

Suspended Animation:

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