Strengthen the warrior
voices and rhythmic beats on Diamond Mistress (that should be spreading some
tight beliefs for mysteriously mystical) of the exhausted standard of Heavy
Metal within the powerless last breath still battling as the Swedish ashes of
Regent named Madison the band unit trying to scream higher and forcing the audiences
to loving how they’re working harder through the talent contest in Hudiksvall
before the prize winner and long term recorded debuting for the late comers off
these rockers as Anders Karlsson, Anders Moller onto Goran Edman to Michael
Moon but the main figures upon the back of bassist Conny Sundqvist and
guitarist Dan Stomberg whose forming this group. On to the sensual reflected young
female or the orient express looks through the mirror; the guitars and solos
and those fanatic loud blasts from the speakers might easily led you to bang
the air guitar too but Hard Rock misses its gripping here even the good tracks
like Run Boy, Sneaker, Don’t Look Around onto Pictures Return failed to miss
the spotlight as the trends moving to the more edgier honest alternative rock
modest elements being invented in the northern pacific side of the US border. Diamond Mistress:
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