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Medicine Wheel (Bandcamp 2014)

   Mallorca’s Punk-Pop rocks the radio or the internet via this mid-ages familiar but sounding cool Alternative Rock band called The Indian Summer tells us to Go Ahead ! in their extended album as Dani Zamora (vocals/guitars), Toni Tendero (guitars), Jesus Garcia (bass) and Sebas Lasternas (drums) collectively plays the usual mid-tempo in such a tremendous distinctive tinged to more techniques over those wold howling for freedom in colorful voices and five tracks like Playground, Righteous Man, The Lanes and Endless Road or even a progressive tracks in eight minutes more and – turning the feelings to started up again like the first time you listening to Radiohead and Muse bringing changes to the scene of distortion back onto the artistic odd and wiser lyrics to reflects how we behaving towards life, family and the loneliness until the soft noises curing the wounds one by one.

Go Ahead:

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