Fourth album named under this secret key of re-building non-humanity existence by the advance creature beings on Code: Violence with these metal-heads crew Vitalij Novak, Miroslav Frcek, Zdenek Hnizdil and David Krombholz or Jiri Krs exploiting their visions of the future years as the vast industrial realm develops and malfunction machine made flesh taking over the world before the surfacing of thus demonic incantations figures leading the last of humanity under their chained slavery while taking over the hierarchy from man-made law onto the unlawful brutality chaotic planet here as Cuttered Flesh blasting the facts carried within their top ten songs written and arranged by blasting the double pedals and insanity riffs to choruses to deafening you through Diving in Rage, An Occasional Psychopath as Therapy, Ominous Manipulation and The Temple of Decay marked these Czech Republic extreme band you can denied telling you the truth as the final prophecy for the hundred years from now on.
Code Violence:
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