The composition is there played the fine odd tunes of
impressionist Pop-Folk or Psychedelic Spanish traditional sounds blended
through sweeter orchestra, semi-acoustic melancholy and piano tinged possession
off Alberto Montero’s music production here with Laura Amanda Agusti on
violins, Sergio Sanchez on viola, violoncello plays by Adrian Gonzalez to Roman
Gil on guitars/bandoneon/percussion to Xavi Munoz on bass, drums by Marcos
Junquera and Eloy Bernal on this releasing record of open-minded by these good
musician from Valencia or Puerto de Sagunto; giving us La Catedral Sumergida
with its sacred symbolic out of the dark blue and pleasing most of the listeners
whom loving for mixing kinds of Pop sounds with Classic total Folkish musical
for the knowledge of the ocean, the star constellation and the sun point
through some beautiful Spanish lyrics and gorgeous vibe in sounds via Credo,
Poseidon, Confesion, La Llamada, Resolucion to some more alike Te Veo Alberto
or Transfiguracion. Piano led performance and haunting soft vocals might be
your guidance to walk the aisle or tunnel of empty noises but natural breathing
whisper, garden of the lost souls or even space out of this crowded planet –
somewhere like moving to another dimension of peaceful kingdom behind the old
movie backdoor while hearing this record. La Catedral Sumergida:
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