Punk-Pop and seminal
hardcore crew of the teenager energetic presentation make you feel like happy
for these Indie Rock session from Sant Feliu De Guixols’ smiling young and
letting the freedom rises on their try-out on making good records again for
their collection music as Bullitt with the third albums – So Many Ways; erasing
all the directions to everywhere but stays there entertaining you within their
similarity sounds like Blink 182 new comeback playing Indie-Pop and the finest
blue mountain background and flock of birds tells the audience to not taking
life too damn seriously but make single steps available and enjoying them for
even the smaller things to collecting joy for the spirits and keep on
skate-boarding like you mean it must be the main plan for the record to rocking
its trendy popular songs being heard by the world (even) you found out that the
rest of the members actually, aren’t that young and handsome. Still the catchy
music of Indie Rock graduates the band to be a favorite choice which given us
She Leads My Soul, Fallen, Back To The End, As Far As I Could Go, Headblower
and How Did You Think really grows the smiles and daily story to share among
young kids and teenagers not to let depressions controlling their lives means
positive and Lucky. Gracias Muchas !
So Many Ways:
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