Sam Raimi directed the
surprising adventure fantasy filming pick of the classics story of Oz The Great and
Powerful based on the L. Frank Baum novels setting for the beginning prequel
for Kansas amateur magician Oscar Diggs the con artist and the traveling circus
flown the boring lives indicates by less spectators, quarreling circus members
and the escaping Oscar from his angry fellow mates on the air-balloon before
the giant tornado sucking the poor man out vanished. Inside the wind tunnel
Oscar seeing magical things like the mighty destruction winds, sharp objects
attacking his balloon onto the stop-motion moment before sending him down to
the strangest landscape which he never ever seen before within highest
mountains; colorful flowers, awesome waterfalls and cloud-herders onto the
fresh crystal shallow water where he fells in and meet the cute naïve Theodora
whose seeing him as the prophecy comes true about King Oz destroying the wicked
witch as smiling and letting Theodora fell in love to him as the encountering
flying monkey Finley whose pledges loyal to Oz The Great and Powerful for
saving lives.
Entering the infamous Emerald city to meet Theodora’s older sister
the beautiful Evanora telling the resides wicked witch dwells the dark forest
can be destroyed by broken her wand sending Oz accompanied by Finley, the china
doll girl whom being saved from her ruined ceramic house being attacked by
flying baboons continued their adventure until they finally, met that the evil
witch story was untrue as Glinda the good witch identifies herself as late
king’s daughter whose being poisoning by Evanora the evil one; watching the
reality through her crystal ball deceiving Theodora about being cheated by Oz
over Glinda and let her consumes the green poison apple turning her sister onto
an ugly green-skinned hideous witch on broomstick. Ideas to helping the threats
from the evil witches and their armies makes Oz must thinking harder as his big
mouth causing troubles the first place proclaiming him as the greatest magician
of all and using the exploits on Thomas Edison, science, little kinds of magic
and smart moves wisely enough to conceives the plan on thus fake attack on Emerald
city within good preparations by Glinda and her communities.

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