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Teragmonvaginaeternalis (Villa Bohult 2015)

   Still in searching for his ultimate character represents before as many pseudonyms as many like legion by the true reveals of his name Henrik Bjorkk of Karlskoga, Sweden mainly putting his own project of soloist and one-man releasing music from Hydra Head 9 onto Marvargr but here this male disguising as another nickname as Nordvargr. Experimenting through the man’s loving creativity on making strangest musical explorations within persuaded for broad covering in Electronics, Dark-Ambient, EBM Drone or Avant-Garde as vast solo career means lots of influential productive Post-Industrial onto Runik Hexagram Worship, Holocaustoma, Mater Maretrix and Respiration Pralaya of eight minutes and thirty-one second ever provides widely by one artist with tons of discographies. Meet the infinite terrible of Originome lending us the blasphemous psychological pictures and artworks spit to the authority of your false prophets and pope of rome as torturing will be the honest moments for anyone whose lying every single day in their lives to telling the truth in such a painful regrets in screaming or tears like the big flood holding for the everlasting unspeakable raw materials of purity darkness and loud noises from the depth of hell dungeons; value the prices to feel nothing but the unholy thoughts creeping out your pagan mind seeing this album artworks and listening to the technology spells droning hums.


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