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The Hedonism (Limited Blasting Production 2017)

   Can you say it is awesome for kinds of Indonesian scum of these Bogor crew making this shit of fucking pile of Technical Brutal Death Metal as professional as neat in not only the recording results but also the written themes absolute fitting to the age of total consumerism, environmental destructions and degenerating of human population problematic facing the entire civilizations and because later the universal event occurs to our solar system – Rotation Of The Sun might dangerously transforming the society onto mutations while the cities wither fallen or vaporizing as growler vocals and punishing extreme sounds metallic bashing the condition with latecomer stories like Regime of Deception or Insanity Mechanism of Life that cursing the military government or greed-basic results over Baptism of Fake Culture, Earth 404, Ten Point Till The End or Divinity must be your final solution shared by Gembes, Leonard, Bob Gulma and Latif that you cannot avoid anymore while Death Metal kept its legacy among destruction after the next ones. 

Just say that nobody’s living when the small talks needed to share at that fucking cursed time, fellas !

Rotation Of The Sun:

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