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Chemistry Gratification (Independent 2018)

   Carl Brown on bass, Travis Bondarenko (guitars), Ethan Husack on vocals, Jordan Krupka on drums and Scot Motuz on guitars did their excellent cruelty on melodic slashing music sounds of extreme Death/Thrash/Black Metal as the lyrics themed written goes around the bending bloodbath sessions among disease, the apocalypse, gore and death terrors from these Vathek is your ultimate unknown Canadian – Winnipeg (Manitoba) debut full-length recording through Parasitic Affection, Systematic Toxicity, Exsanguination Aspyxiation, Aphotic Scopophobia deranged into Martial Ingestion and Syphilis Shotgun just interrupted since the intro started as your double pedals crushing the origin of method civilization via Aborted Origins over female infected by cancer infiltration suffering obligation both between ignorance and innocence exists at birth of the next mutation earth conditions. 

Aborted Origins:

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