Second albums and counting down the style of weirdy –strange
formations onto Justin Fletcher, Daren Seymour and Sarah Peacock with the
additional of Mark Van Hoen giving an introductions for the groups intrigue
tense motions by arranging project as a renewal type for a brand new Alternative
Rock musical under the naming of Scala – a measurement between reality and
imaginable spacing to fill-out by beats, noises or samplings sounded like thus
pale weather and colder winds wrapped onto the reaction recreates over
Leftfield/Synth-Pop and experimental Techno-Rock and Indie music combines in
the making of teleporting deviance record like To You In Alpha – which neither
correctly, looks interesting at all. But the different tunes atmosphere may
collaborating obviously within female voices in deliberations as when one
opening the Pandora box disc and listen in mid-tempo volume. 1765744G (Excerpt)
must be some kind of code for cheating lives or Wires and Colt and Blank Narrow
Shut should be related to the connection of internet controlling public as well
as Be Together where the new breed of generations trusting their gadgets than
other people nowadays resulting thus Breaking Point. Intense voltage on
whirlwind echoes and blistering beats compound melts the riff-guitar pages and
rhythmic pleasure over Slide to Remember How To Breathe; as we learning again sooner
as the aftermath of the magnitude disasters turning off everything back to year
zero. To You In Alpha:
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