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Dalalai Duel (Decca 2000)

   These mature babes can be remarkably showing how about the ability talents on playing their strings arrangement tunes that complex-fund and delighted to the inner circle of fans for Classical Musique additions and modern day commercial Electro-Pop season confronting many types of different variety on ensemble written and covering alma-mater touches for sexuality, emancipation and other worldly costumes fitted to wear by them as the quartet of Bond coloring the sky within harmonic melodies and blue water clearance or natural greenish background as well as whitening smiles for the complete sexiness add by nude photo-sets that would make your male friends staring too darn long at them even before they’re even listening to the music products. Instrumental fusions and Dance-able beats mesmerizing thus beauty spreading in the performance by all-female strings Cross-Over contemporary Classical consisting on Elspeth Hanson, Eos Chater, Gay-Yee Westerhoff and Tania Davis or Haylie Ecker first being together formed as the relief musical helping foundation-based for Haiti disaster but continues as the debut recording called Born; blushing the entire tests to them playing for public interests but actually, did received several good critics and outbursts selling for asian region markets hypnotized by the gorgeous appearance of these girls. 
   Listening for Victory, Winter, Quixote, Wintersun to Oceanic, Korobushko and Alexander The Great and Bella Donna to Hymn – makes your ears stretching like being transformed onto another dimension of classical contemporary realm stuck in the middle of time stops by watching angels happily doing their best Trance/Tribal/Techno and Neofolk musical perform without any clothes attached. 


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