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Nightmare Versus Me (Ragingplanet 2012)

   Heavy Metal drags and mayhem glamour tension decode here righteously again by the hard Rock and Alternative Grunge unit of Stoner Lisbon’s crew known as Low Torque and Palmela while driving fast and high along the Pamplona desert blasting their songs soundtrack for the harder living themes and drunk bashing anthems for the roadies through Karmageddon, Poisoned Lips Dead Tongue, Vampires!, Hating Haters to Moving Forwards resemblance to thus quartet not trying to copy Soundgarden being Priestess at all but having their own distinctive sounds providers as Concrete Rain falls or Hellraisers shouts under the commands of mighty riffs that forcing any metal-heads to head banging like nuts in joy – cranking the performance from Marco Resende on vocals, Andre Texeira on guitars, Hugo Raminhos on drums and Miguel Rita on bass being the Headstone and Sir Traline to Stripped Down to The Blood rocking fusion never dies and Southern Rock melodiously, too damn well contagious to listen ! 

Low Torque:

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