For those whom never been to visit the deserted desert in the southwest of united states would go on following this enthusiasm story of road trip made by the two comic-con fanatics Graeme Willy and Clive Gollings as the brits crossing the significant UFO sites fighting the rednecks but in the end hits something in the middle of the road that turns out to be an alien named Paul whose making them shocked but still Graeme would taking him for a ride while the escaping alien being was also being chased by FBI agency in three to hunt down Paul and containing him. RV days for shaken, strangled and explanations for Clive about Paul later on as well as the Christian fundamentalists owner or the park found out about Paul but being cured from her blindness as Ruth brawling back the rednecks while special agent Zoil with Haggard and O’Reilly frustrated to be confusing between the one-eyed girl or two british nerds or headed back to base reporting but two agents wanted to captures the alien for themselves. The Sci-Fi comedy movie with the same title as Paul really gives you a very laughable as well as thrilling times to spend with David Arnold much appreciated soundtrack composition tracks and the duet of Simon Pegg/Nick Frost doing their job in silly behavior actions underscoring by the Various Artists recording music like Billy Lee Riley for Flyin Saucers Rock N Roll, Hello It’s Me by Todd Rundgren to King Harvest’s Dancing in The Moonlight to Marvin Gaye’s Got To Give It Up as well as Arnold’s own-tracks about Chase, A Little Talk with Paul, Window hopping and Passport caught all the adventure stories for the conclusion on sarcastic manners for the blown out house owned by Tara whose rescued Paul who killed her dog named after him ends up the raiding agents terrible shots killing themselves, the falling cliff vehicle and the Devils Tower national monument scene where Paul can signaling his mothership to beaming up before those helicopters with the big helps from Zoil who turns out to be Paul’s friend disguising as human; the healing powers to recovering the wounded Graeme and taking Tara into the spaceship. Next comic-con did see those two brits getting famous signing their novels !
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