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Embers (Chaos Records 2018)

   Epitaphe is PBFK on vocals, LBK on guitars/vocals, VLVR on drums and DRZ on bass/effects/vocals which praising for their absolute Demo MMXVII recording as the depth darkened inner-souls of the deader hell below us; into thunderous weather infinite above thus pyramids and burning mountains over-ruled by the giant serpents guardian watching the silence and sorrow of the unchangeable ones to keep on multiplies as these French alps crew growing the balance of extremities towards the progression for Death Metal infusing type blows as the distorted destructive emission and growlers covering thus three songs written there – making their absolution on torturing the humanity for eternity seems like the longest durations performance via the ten minutes and ten seconds off The Downward Stream as your filthy opener into Smouldering Darkness over seventeen minutes and fifty-seven seconds foregrounding evokes of vain and existence attempts to inherit oneself into a massive total demolitions in turns …


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