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Risen Drink Farewell (Armee De La Mort Records 2018)

   Angouleme, Poitou-Charentes crew off these French Heavy Metal and Doom Metal band that listing the Stoner Rock as well into their fused trio musical blasts courageously called Stonewitch. Having the composition formats for vocalist Serge Usson, guitarists Romain and Aymeric, Florent fro bass guitar and Cedric the drummer hailed from Pictavia area as the group perfoeming the distinctive seminal Modern Grunge Cult-based music and lyrics written precisely fitting the perfect occult-rituals for your local coven during the evening prayers on All Hallows Eve ticking clock and for the proven meet this The Midnight Tales reveals them all under the spells and magic textures on the prophecy last moment alike moses being saved from the tsunami wearing his red clothes while his disciples crawling to meet their doom as well as all the sinners or lovers or the non-believers that quiet night; only to be overdubbed through the plays soloist and riffs from Aymeric Mallet or the vocals tortures via Mr. Usson baritone howls singing A Blood Run Cult, When The Smoke Surrounds The Fear and All Secrets Die Alone – fixing the sickness and the redemption with the calm wind whispering devastation done.

The Midnight Tales:

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