Small extra-terrestrial intelligence family of living spaceships is a good scientific fictional characterizing the entire funny drama movie away from the amazing stories television series that makes Steven Spielberg giving Brad Bird the screenplay debut under the directing of Matthew Robbins as starring oldie couple living on manage their small diner place as Frank and Faye Riley living at their apartment of east village being threat by the property owner /manager Lacey sending the hoodlum Carlos and the gang to terrorizing all the tenants and bribe them to go off – out the building that soon going to be smashed down and rebuilds as giant modern malls. Destroying Mason Baylor’s artistic room, intimidating pregnant single woman Marisa, breaks the jar collections of ex-boxer Harry Noble and punches the walls and messing the café and assaulting them until the moved away for good.
As some already tied and took the bribes
and gone but things didn’t go worsen as miraculously, the living spaceship
mysteriously appears from nowhere inside the building parts where they’re also
dwell and repairing many broken things inside the rooms, items that looks like
cannot be fixed anymore and even the destroyed café place using their ability
beams and befriending with Frank and Faye and the rest of the last tenants
whose finding out that those creatures floating up and going back to their
resting place on top of he apartment.

The sabotage buildings and burning by Carlos
didn’t stop Harry and the rest to helping each other strong as Harry fixed the
little craft to be together again flying with its family – while rescuing the
tenants from explosive buildings and the burnt down apartment and even Carlos
turning back good by saving Faye whose being trapped inside.
The smoldering
wreckage of once a building next morning led all the construction crew for
started their works but in the evening Harry being visited by the Fix-its
family with their countless friends doing their ability to restore the brand
new conditions for the apartment as the next morning everyone amazed that he
place one again build like before ends the demolition plans, termination of
Lacey and Kovacs; Mason and Marisa settle their relationship and the café is
having huge trendy impacts for many customers and employments on that area.
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