Supporting the ability
on makes the audience jumping nuts following the good punkish explosive rocked
out and skating acts of extremity around as friends and fans and contributed bands
playing it louder as campaign session from these two man Punk-Rock plus
additional musicians for the New Jersey’s Dead Rejects by Ska-Punk to basic
Hardcore aggressive to poppy hooks may carried in by them as Shane Sparacello
on vocals/guitars, Sdam Cichocki (drums studio), Mike Benus on bass/vocals with
Joey Dwyer also playing bass and screaming too hailing from Bayonne/Jersey City
to your stereo system shares basically, a displays of plenty skeletons and all
hallows eve started for trick or treats times outside as children dressing up
in their worst costumes or scarier for your grandma; the skaters also goes out with This Is Killing Me album release and celebrates their night skating under the full moon or better avoiding thus
haunted old houses towards the misty road that erupts eeriness …
PS. Go
cranking up these aloud: Chosen Undead, Dying Days, Punk Rock is Stupid, Death
Before Decaf and A Perfect Waste of Time all over means either you got candies
or you’re being murdered on the corner by mad neighbors.
This Is Killing Me:
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