Rock band of the eighties era formation off Christchurch, New Zealand quartet: Andy Dickson, Liam Ryan, Stephen Clarkson and Tony Waine performing their Soft Rock and Pop-Rock tunes in cartoon-looks driving taxi-cab and howling their catchy tunes in piano powered live instruments towards The Narcs seminal New Wave and popular sounds projecting the quite good music in jangly atmosphere for the audience loving their acts and artworks as well via Abandoned By Love, Love in Disguise, Sevilla, Diamonds on China, When It Rains It Pours, Side By Side to Mr Broken Heart and No Time Like The Future (Frankie’s Song) might glimmering good feeling facing the boring bullshit life on the road to busy town and terrible canceled flights on this self-titled record and the ugly face of the grumpy town-cab driver.

The Narcs:
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