Composition fixed within Ben Tiner (guitar/vocals),
Benjamin Mauch (drums/modular synth), Karyn Mauch (vocals/synth) and Jon
Howland (bass) whose for them distance don’t really stopping the group to make
music together via Richmond, Shenzen, Hong Kong to Cheonan or Seoul; sending
their musical blends on Post-Rock and Math Rock as Colin Phils soaring good
vocals, high quality techniques sounds as the progress tunes spawning
E,R,Som,Sa… pausing your attention once you hearing them play. Harmonic to
melodies take turns collaborating onto the beautiful soft rocking songs like To
The Sand, I Think Your Name is a Good One, Time Well Wasted, Don Cabs tempting
the journey for listeners easily as Happy Clapper watching Coral mixed with
Moonstone magic on this. Some might ever considering the record fits for accompanied through the work-out weight lifting for beginners (perhaps) ? E,R,Som,Sa:
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