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Betrayed Far (Columbia 2018)

   Hailing the one figure personnel about himself and the surrounding issues and founding the spot of points where his presence did not just only thus sensational tattoos and Rap Music producing but more to that the Colombian descendent boy turns out to be grown the rebel way just like the dribbling rhythmic tunes and Gangsta Rap beats on the public display for consumption right to the next new millennium genre develops the harsh lyrics and portrays toward the releasing debut off Total Xanarchy for you to see the real Lil Xan (Diego Leanos) learning to put his own works onto the middle of Hip-Hop jungle competing the newbies and the senior artists in the field of gang-related and shoot out visions as always. 

   Predicted to have the opening violent tunes as the background soundtrack for the street-life, thug-oriented or drug abusive addict-realm as the real story spreading like wild fire via Tick Tock, Diamonds, The Man, Color Blind and further more love or hatred send and received messaging texts conceptual to either as the answers for the challenge or straight invitation on thus rivalry media bias news that keeps on growing smokey hot means Moonlight to Deceived and Slingshot build in as the receiver for shield and weapon to destroying the conservative values of the middle class aging American and the Hip-Hop borderline that also being a bit racist towards whiter rapper in history being told by the latino boy here. 

Total Xanarchy:

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