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Living Underwater (Not On Label 2018)

   Featuring special guests like Anthony Fossaluzza on organ/piano/upright bass, Anna Krippenstapel and Joe Manning for vocals as the group members of Elk Hound playing and sang their own written works songs for Andrew Iafrate (guitars, vocals), Chad Acton (guitar), Sean Johnson (drums) and John Pedigo (bass, vocals) crediting this Alternative Folk Rock and Indie Psych-Country right to its track. 

   Harmony choirs and vocals followed the tunes which carried out the tales of the Midwest atmosphere goes on to your head by ears listening perhaps, as good as the timing choice of having this record play to your stereo system while everything calmer and peaceful as The Static And Hum giving choices for wood burning flames to warm up your cold lonely night in the cabin by the old river and guitar-tunes and lyrics sheets already being served as recording Bitter Crimson, Night Beast, Coal Black Dog, The Dance Slow Waltz and Open Book Blues to Seam To Center proof that the Louisville, Kentucky crew went popular to themselves along with this one.

The Static and Hum:

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